We are a global advocacy network for ecocentrism and deep green ethics. Ecocentrism is a worldview that: (1) extends ethical considerations to all components — biotic and abiotic — of Earth's living systems (the Ecosphere), as well as the dynamics of their interactions; and (2) values non-human nature independently of any benefit it may have for humans specifically.
Ecocentrism brings with it new standards for thought, conduct, and action on such seemingly intractable problems as loss of habitat for non-human nature, degradation of living systems, and overpopulation and overconsumption by humans.
Ecocentric ethics can provide moral guidance to corporate and governmental policy-makers, as well as to individuals across the globe, on reversing the decline of non-human nature and on building economic systems and communities that are in harmony with the Ecosphere.
We have an active email discussion group and welcome new members. You can contact us here if you would like to join the email group.
A more detailed description of, and rationale for, the ecocentric worldview is presented in our principal work, the Manifesto for Earth (written by Ted Mosquin and Stan Rowe).
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Un Manifeste pour la Terre (French)
Manifesto per la Terra (Italian)
Manifiesto por la Tierra (Spanish)
Ein Manifest für die Erde (German)
Манифест Земли (Russian)
Маніфест Землі (Ukranian)
Um Manifesto Pela Terra (Portuguese)
If you can help translate the Manifesto for Earth to another language, please contact us using the details at the top of the page.
Below you will find links to the growing selection of resources on the website.
Below are links to some key articles on ecocentrism.
Dark Green or Deep (Ecocentric) Ethics, by Patrick Curry
An Earth-Based Ethic for Humanity, by Stan Rowe
Global Environmental Ethics: A Valuable Earth, by Holmes Rolston III
Ecophilosophy, Ecosophy and the Deep Ecology Movement: An Overview, by Alan Drengson
The Roles of Biodiversity in Creating and Maintaining the Ecosphere, by Ted Mosquin
You can find more writing about ecocentrism and the Ecosphere on ecospherics.net, our sister website.
“ The attempt to build ethical concern for the Ecosphere from the inside out, by add-ons starting with our selves and the human race, may soothe consciences for a little while, but it will be the kiss of death for wild nature. ”
Stan Rowe
Our sister website on ecospheric ethics: ecospherics.net
Rebecca Burrill | Eileen Crist | Patrick Curry | Joe Gray ( 1, 2 ) | Fred Hageneder | Ned Hettinger | Aleta Karstad and Fred Schueler | Lory Kaufman | Victor Postnikov | David Rothenberg | Rianne ten Veen
“ When human wants are overvalued, the Earth is devalued, taken for granted, and abused as a mere commodity — to the long range detriment of other forms of life. ”
Ted Mosquin
“ Man does not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. All things are connected. ”
Attributed to Chief Seattle
This website is based on content developed principally by Patrick Curry, Ted Mosquin, and Ian Whyte. We welcome you to use any of the material on this website, or that linked to on ecospherics.net, but please acknowledge the original published source. ♦ The website was built using Notepad and is hosted on a renewably powered server. No cookies or tracking scripts are used and there are no videos or large photos. ♦ Image used in logo: © Shotty / CanStockPhoto.